how have you been? i miss you so much. do you miss me?
what i have been doing? oh well, i went into sabbatical from work. those 6 months was a blissful recharge, in a healthy, some sort lazy, way. people thought that i was just being couch potatoed and living off nothing with no goals, when actual fact, i am just resting my mind, taking in everything i have missed, noticing the clouds, the flowers, gary's bald patch.. you know what i mean? well, my family don't, and i think a large fraction of my friends don't too. its so difficult to explain to them.
i feel that from my school days, we are taught and made into robots, to listen and obey orders, and to join the dotted lines. so now i'm trying to free myself from that and draw outside the line. i just wanna be crazy (in a good way of course!) and accept all possibilities and question anything when in doubt.
i've started school and was fun AND tiring. i hate the travelling bit, but i like the class bit. met a couple of friends. i think the sabbatical works, 'cos i was full fledge chirpy and sunny (so says my new friend Jacky) when in school. usually, i'm not like that, i am pretty self-centred and shy when it comes to making friends in a new environment. but what i learn from my sabbatical period, was that friends only last a lifetime, and i am prolly one-third into my lifetime, i don't wanna waste that away. haha.
school was interesting. it was sort of the continuation of my sabbatical, but in a textbook way. they are teaching us to give up what we hold as the key to success (in design) and explore new fundamental crazy ways. well.. just accept that everything is possible.
also during this sabbatical period, i bonded with my mom and gary. haha. for my mom's case, i made it an effort to at least go out together on every weekend, unless it is raining, that won't be good for my sore joints.. although its only 1 day of the week, 'though short and sometimes pointless, its just neccessary.
for gary's case, i realise its been 5 years. my little buddy been there for me and i didn't really pay attention to his growth, and that really made me feel guilty. my boy. my son. my kitty. my friend. thank you gary for being there when i need you. we don't talk but you sure know when to come to comfort me when i'm not in the right of mind. what i used to be, foul mouthed and temper, you were able to bring me back to earth. i'm trying not to think of the day you will leave me, although sooner or later it will be, but i hope till then, you stay the way you are and you do the things you do.
anyway, back to a lighter note, singapore has been encountering heavy floods. hmm, i know it doesn't sound light, but that's just great news for the shopper freak in me! in the events of flash floods, i am beginning to look out for the perfect Wellies! but because its singapore, you only get the usual rubber yellow boots. yuck!
look what i've found. aren't they pretty??
"this looks so fun to wear!"

"these are my favourites.. i would love to get the white and dark blue pair"

"this is so joanne.. very cute"

"this is so french.. oui oui "

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