just the other day i was watching this documentary on tv, about Feral Children, or rather, children raised in the wild, by wild animals. and this paragraph mentioned by the narrator on the documentary really strucked me:
human are hardwired to seek affection, where it is also a type of survival mechanism since birth. neglect from human caretakers contributes to the poor development for young humans growing up. studies shows human thrive on the affection and attention they received, especially from the critical age of 3-4 years in their early childhood... therefore, stripping human from socialism, status and education, we are basically (useless).
they didn't really mentioned the word useless, i just added in, but that was the message was driving at. its just really sad, that humans survive through copying others, or on others. for stories on feral children, please click on the link on the right side, under Feral Children.
anyway.. driving on the message on humans, why not try a human printer for your next print out??
Check out this website: http://www.thehumanprinter.org/

anyway, my mom is bugging gary and gary is not moving an inch of my bed, and i need to get ready to go off now. so.... congrats Audrey for the lovely kitties borned in your house! i wish i could kit-napped them!

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