Friday, March 20, 2009

day of the week

yay. its freaking friday people! put on your party shoes and rock the night away - whereas i will put on my PJ's and sleep the weekend away. woot.

today at work (i'm still at work):
1. i didn't get to open the 'DOOR OF DOOM' because by the time i've reach (9:28am?), metal shutters of fear has already been rolled up, and the alarm of a thousand shrieks has been.. unalarmed. thank you god. i owe you one.

2. called up my forwarder, because he has not been replying any of my MF emails, turns out he on course. dammit. luckily another bloke took over my enquiries.

3. talk to my newest supplier in terrible type out mandarin on msn.

Emily: Yes?
JET: 看到我的留言吗?
Emily: yes 看到了 (at this stage, i read 留言 as an email.. when its suppose to be message.. so hence therefore...)
JET: 你看看你们是怎样安排的 (... i was lost here...)
Emily: Ok (... so when i realise my mistake after i google translate "留言"...)
Emily: 你是说EMAIL 吗?
Emily: 如果是MSN,我没收到
JET: MSN (... i felt a shade of yellowness from my yellow counterpart)
JET: 现在货差不多好了,25号可以前,我们要收到款才能出货的
Emily: ok ok
Emily: 我让我老板知道。
Emily: 我的货运公司有跟你们联络吗? .........

my mandarin is not so 厉害 one. 我 read 懂了就 can already.

4. liasing with forwarder = china = forwarder = boss = china = forwarder

5. surfing the bloody net.

today is yakun night. meeting fuzzy (and maybe amina) later at RC's yakun. so far, no news whether amina is joining or not. anyway. visited design sponge site, and beginning to hate my own room, as i am so in love with this! so much clutter, so much texture, so much pattern, i love. i (and will) always liked eclectic interior design. everything just means so much more then those you mass purchased at an furniture store. homes, should be and will be, part of oneself, so its best to display "yourself" in your own house, as this gives more characteristics and warmth in the house.

the thing with these homes, is the easy access to flea markets and garage sales. but like for us, where in the f*country can i find cheap vintage flea stockist and cheap garage sales? nadah. someone should start a collection warehouse, where valuables can be stored and sold cheaply to us. like another "house of japan - home & living". everybody wants it new and clean. but its so cold and unfamiliar. i don't want to stay industrialised-cubicle cookie cutter looking home.

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