it burns, deep into flesh. the heat torturing the skin. the sun, my newest enemy.
bloody sun, for the past week, its been still air, and cloudless skies and intense heat. i feel like i'm in Perth during the summer, only with humidity in the air.
forget sunkiss olive skin, bring on the rain and gloom.
i just hope by the time i reach Perth in june, it wouldn't be as blisteringly hot as here. it be the starting of winter, let it be the coolest winter ever. dear lord.
anyway, HAPPY EARTH DAY. sad to say global warming is killing my beloved planet, but, i hope everyone plays a part in saving our 1 and only earth.
to celebrate the day for earth, i did my part by purchasing a top, in collaboration with PlantABillion.Org from threadless. although my hoodie (that of which i purchased) does not have any earth day-related lines, but its green in colour, and has the iconic WorldWildlifeFund (WWF)'s panda. to me it does have a significant message, saying, the animals are fighting for their space, and we as human, should respect that.
before mankind, animals and plants were the first to inhabit the land. so technically, earth does not belong to us humans only. we share with plantlife, marinelife, and animal wildlife. we are only borrowing the land, we do not own it.
so instead of sharing the land, we, egoistic human, have cut into the living quarters of the animals, for land and expansion, thus leaving the animals going extinct.
when the animals comes into our concrete jungle, some zoos do wonderfully by breeding the animals to prevent their kind from being extinct. but others *hint hint* make use of the animals for tricks and entertainment, not for the better of the wildlife, but to fund the zoo.
i also bought a necklace from etsy, a REDUCE-REUSE-RECYLCE pendant.

i know being an earth-saver is not really a cool thing to do, but it is for the best for our next generation. please do your part. you can start off first with plastic bags.
its much more convenient if you purchase a reusable bag carrier, or a reusable cotton bag. i have a whole bag of reusable cotton bags, any takers let me know. in my bag i always carry a reusable carrier bag, which i put my things i bought from a store in. it looks nicer then a plastic bag, and it folds up nicely and only takes a small area of your bag.
also, i try not to sleep with the air conditioning on everyday (with the exception these days..). my room's walls are cool, i think probably because my room is directly under the HDB's water tank. if i do sleep with the air conditioning, i make it to hover around 25 degrees. my parents did a great choice by getting the fujitsu air conditioner, the energy saving one, which saves $$.
i plan to go organic sometime soon, that provided that organic items and food will be cheaper then it is now. maybe a tad more expensive then the current items and food will be alright.
just recently, i found out TRIUMPH has organic underwears. it looks nice and feels nice, but the price tag on it is a little crazy. i'm not sure if this a marketing schemeto get more $$ out of the 'organic' idea.